Cuisinart EM200 Review

The Cuisinart EM 200 Espresso Maker makes professional-quality coffee and has a bunch of perks that make it a perfect choice for coffee lovers.

These espresso machines come with a stainless steel housing that has been designed to suit any space in your home or office.

Let’s jump into our Cuisinart EM 200 review.

Overview of the Cuisinart EM 200 Espresso Maker

Cuisinart EM200 Espresso Maker

Right out of the box the EM 200 programmable coffee maker comes with everything you’ll need to get you started.  It comes with a 69-ounce removable water reservoir, a removable drip tray and cover, a measuring and tamping tool. It also has a warming tray and a stainless frothing cup.

It has a larger water tank and a manual button. This lets you decide exactly how much espresso you want at a time.

What makes the Cuisinart EM200 great is that it’s both a programmable 15 bar espresso maker and has manual controls. It gives you complete control when brewing your espresso so that it meets your needs and wants.

This allows you to customize your coffee experience.

The Cuisinart espresso maker comes with an adjustable steam wand that transforms your espresso into a cappuccino, macchiato, or latte if you’re in the mood to switch things up. All with one quick push of the steam button.

We would recommend the EM200 programmable 15 bar coffee machine to both the budding barista and the coffee expert.



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Here are a few things to consider

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There are so many machines on the market that making this choice can be overwhelming.

Sometimes, you want more than just an espresso maker.

The EM200 is a programmable espresso maker. With its adjustable stainless steel steam nozzle, it allows you to make more than espresso.

It uses both coffee grounds and pods. This lets you brew whatever you want, whenever you want.

The EM200 coffee maker is also super easy to use and would work for beginners and more experienced coffee lovers.

But, if you are more of a coffee connoisseur we would recommend the Barista Touch. The Barista Touch offers complete coffee customization and comes with a built-in cafe menu.

Before jumping in here are a few things to consider.

  • The EM200 does need priming before using it for the first time and anytime the machine is dried out.
  • The machine is heavy and does make a bit of noise when in use. If you are looking for something smaller and lightweight we recommend the De’Longhi ESAM3300 Espresso Machine.
  • There have been complaints about the durability of the machine. You can prevent breakage by following proper maintenance.
  • The EM200 is difficult to clean.

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Features & Benefits of the Cuisinart EM 200

The Adjustable Steam Wand

This allows you to choose between various functions such as foaming milk, frothing, or steaming.

This gives you the freedom to transform your simple espresso into a decadent latte, macchiato, or latte.

The stainless steel steam nozzle is great if you’re looking to shake up your morning coffee and experiment with different variants.

This steam nozzle lacks an automatic milk frothing feature. You will have to learn how to froth. While there is a learning curve, if you’re up to it it could be a fun way to challenge yourself.

Easy-to-use Controls

The EM200 coffee maker has both manual and programmable controls. This allows you to adjust the controls according to your preferences.

This ensures that your coffee is brewed to your taste. It also makes the machine super user-friendly and suitable if you’re starting out.

Removable Water Tank

The water tank can hold up to 64 oz. It is large enough to ensure that you never have to go without your caffeine fix.

It is clear so checking the water level is super easy and convenient. The water tank is also detachable and comes with a useful handle. This lets you easily carry it around if it needs refilling. This feature also means the water reservoir is easy to clean.

15-bar Pump Pressure System

The 15-bar pump system extracts the best flavors from your favorite coffee beans.

It also works much better than steam pressure systems. This produces a creamier coffee texture. This guarantees that your coffee is rich and flavorful.

Warming Tray

The EM200 espresso machine sports a nice warming tray that warms your cups before use. It can also be used to keep your coffee nice and toasty if you’re pressed for time and are multitasking. The tray holds up to four cups which is ideal if you’re entertaining.

Tamping and Measuring Tool

The EM200 espresso machine features a handy tamping/measuring tool.

This is used to prepare your ground coffee beans. The tool holds enough coffee grounds for around  3 oz of espresso. The size gives you the freedom to brew either a large cup of coffee. This is great for those tough early mornings, or two small cups if you’re sharing with another coffee-loving friend.

Our only issue with this tool is that it does limit how much coffee you can brew at a time. If you’re pressed for time or are entertaining, it could take a while to serve your favorite cuppa.

What do coffee lovers think?

Before we buy anything, we drown ourselves in user reviews. Coffee machines are no exception. The people have spoken and here is what they had to say.

The reviews of the Cuisinart EM200 coffee maker were quite divided. Some loved it and those didn’t enjoy the experience.

One of the main issues users had with the Cuisinart was its durability with most coffee makers lasting only a year.

But, other reviewers stated that because they cleaned and maintained their machine it lasted longer so this is something to keep in mind.

A few users also pointed out that the machine could be temperamental at times and did not always brew the best espresso.

Reviewers loved the steam wand. One reviewer loved how easy it was to create beautiful latte art. Reviewers also liked that the steam wand was so simple to use, especially when frothing milk.

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Alternatives to the Cuisinart Espresso Maker

If you’re still weighing your options for best espresso machines and are undecided, here are a few of our favorite alternative espresso makers to the Cuisinart Espresso Machines.

The De’Longhi ESAM3300 Super Automatic Espresso Machine

De’Longhi ESAM3300

The De’Longhi is an expensive alternative to the Cuisinart. Both the Cuisinart and the ESAM3300 offer a removable drip tray and water tank.

But, the ESAM3300 is much easier to maintain and clean, which saves you time.

The De’longhi is a semi-automatic, like the Cuisinart coffee maker, it has programmable menu settings that make brewing your favorite coffee a breeze. It also comes with a built-in dual thermoblock.

This heats your water faster and maintains perfect brewing temperatures. This guarantees that you have coffee on demand. It also helps you maintain a consistent, smooth coffee taste for your enjoyment.

We would recommend this machine to both beginners and experienced coffee lovers who have a bit more wiggle room in their budget.

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The Philips 2200 Series Fully Automatic Espresso Machine

Philips 2200 Series Fully Automatic Espresso Machine

The Philips 2200 is an entry-level machine that is a bit more expensive than the EM200. Unlike the EM200, it has a built-in intuitive touch display which makes brewing coffee a breeze. The Philips 2200 is user-friendly.

When compared to the Cuisinart it does have a slightly smaller water tank. It also lacks a warming plate so you, unfortunately, cannot preheat your cups. The machine is more compact and lighter than the Cuisinart EM 200 so if you’re pressed for space this could be an option.

We would recommend this machine for budding baristas looking to dip their toes into the world of coffee. If you’re more experienced, we wouldn’t recommend this machine. At this price point, there are better machines out there.

The Gaggia Brera Super Automatic Espresso Machine

The Gaggia Brera Super Automatic Espresso Machine

The Gaggia Brera is by far the most expensive machine on this list. Like the EM200, it features programmable brewing.

The Gaggia Brera goes one step further and has an incredible adapting system. This allows the machine to learn from your brewing habits. It automatically grinds beans according to your preferences. This guarantees that your coffee is always brewed to your tastes with minimal effort.

The Gaggia Brera is also much easier to clean and maintain than the Cuisinart EM 200 which is a bonus if you’re pressed for time.

We would recommend this machine to more experienced brewers with a fatter wallet.

Cuisinart EM 200 De’Longhi ESAM 3300 Philips 2200 Series Gaggia Brera
Price Point
Low end
Low end
Water Tank
64 oz
60 oz
Not Mentioned
40 oz
Push-Button Controls
Intuitive Control Panel
Intuitive Touch Display
Push-Button Controls
15 Bar Pump Pressure
Dual Thermoblock
Steam pressure
Adapting System
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For someone who is just entering the world of home espresso makers, the Breville Cafe ESP8XL Cafe Roma is the perfect place to start. Take a look at our Breville ESP8XL Stainless Steel review to find out more.

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Final Thoughts

We get it, finding the perfect coffee machine to suit your needs is tough. There is only so much research a person can do.

If you’re looking for an affordable, compact machine that brews excellent coffee the Cuisinart EM 200 espresso maker might be the one for you.

It is simple to use if you’re starting. It has a built-in manual milk frother that transforms your simple espresso into a decadent latte or macchiato.

It also has a 15 bar espresso pump pressure system to ensure that your coffee is brewed to perfection.

Still not convinced on the Cuisinart EM 200? We recommend the De’Longhi as a viable alternative. While it is more expensive, it is more reliable.